This is probably going to be a long post, as I usually get carried away with details when telling these kind of stories.
I've always noticed in my life than when I've been waiting for something to happen or waiting for an answer from God, he always shows up just in time. I don't think he's ever been early, but he's always right on time. Many of you know I've been wrestling with my decision to quit my full time job to stay home with the kids. I've been extremely scared to make that decision for fear it will be the wrong one. Financially, it will be a major stretch, and I'm one of these people that looks at my bank account every day and is very meticulous about money spent, BUT I also like to have fun and have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle (not a frivolous one, but one that likes to enjoy things in life that cost money). This decision has also been riding on my mother's job situation as I depend on her to care for my children while I'm working. Wouldn't you know it, both of us received our answers yesterday within about 5 hours of each other. My mother was offered a position she was hoping to get, that gives her a little flexibility to help me if I need it. I'm also looking at a part time opportunity that I spoke with someone in depth about yesterday that seems pretty positive. Just as I was settling into my thoughts about making my final move at my current position, the phone rang, it was my boss. I knew this was the perfect timing of God, as I knew exactly what I needed to tell this man and give him the honest truth about my feelings and plans. The conversation was very pleasant, and he even gave me some encouragement to go ahead and stay home with my kids. He also shared that some changes were being made, and my set-up of working from home was probably not going to fly anymore. So there's my final answer from God - I'm leaving my position, as for me, I cannot justify (emotionally or financially) working full time and take my children to daycare or a sitter. A huge weight was lifted after that phone call, and I reflected on my day as being one of those perfect timing circumstances that God has his hand in. I had honest answers for my boss right at the time he called. If he had called in the morning, I don't know what I would have been able to say.
On another note to give an update on the boys - Jacob is my little parrot, repeating just about everything I say. He makes me laugh every day, and he's starting to be mommy's helper with Evan sometimes (when he feels like it). Evan is also doing great! Evan has slept through the night 5 out of the last 8 nights, and some nights, he's slept for 10 hours straight. I feel so blessed to have two children who are sleeping good now, cause that means I get to sleep good!
Well, I'm off as I hear one of my children crying in their bed. Today, my husband and I travel to PA to attend my college friend's wedding. We are leaving both boys with their grandparents - Woohoo! I'm excited to spend at least 24 hours alone with my hubby, and I know my boys are in great hands.
Peace Out!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Busy, Busy

Ok, I am actually blogging while both boys are sleeping, which is something I should probably be doing as well, but I don't know when else this will happen. It's been a whirlwind of a month for us. I can't believe Evan is already 6 weeks old. I took him last week for his 1month check and he is doing great. He weighs 11lbs 3oz and he is as healthy as can be, so we're very thankful for that. His big brother Jacob is also doing well. He has really built up his vocabulary this past month. He basically repeats everything we say-good and bad, we have to be really careful :-). Last weekend, we went on a mini vacation to my brother's house in Indiana. The boys and I enjoyed ourselves so much, we decided to stay a few extra days as this may be our only vacation this year. We miss Daddy, but we're still enjoying ourselves. Here's a pic of
Jacob's new "funny face".
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