I realize that I haven't posted in quite awhile, so here's the latest from the Choate household. The last few weeks have been very busy with visits from relatives, birthdays and trips to Indiana.
My big boy, Jacob, turned 2 last week. I can't believe how big he is getting. He has officially reached toddlerhood, and I can see changes in him every day. He says everything now, as has become my little echo. He received lots of nice clothes and some new toys for his birthday. He enjoyed spending time with his Grandma Jan while she visited from St. Louis. We also had a little birthday celebration for him.
Evan is getting bigger and bigger every day. He is such a good baby, and has recently started rolling over. Evan has his own little strong personality. He rarely cries, but when he is mad, he really lets you know. Evan wants to do what he wants, when he wants to, including when you hold him. If you're not doing it right, he'd rather be put down. He is so strong that we joke that "Evan doesn't bend, he folds". But when he is content, he gives all kinds of smiles and jabbers a ton!
Boys are fun! I'm enjoying watching them grow together.