Evan recently started eating baby cereal. He doesn't quite have the spoon feeding down yet, but we're working on it. Just like always, Evan wants what he wants. He tries to hold the spoon when we feed him and when it is not in his mouth, he must shove either his hands or his entire bib into his mouth. He also tries to hold his own bottle and if you move it even slightly, his death grip pulls it right back. He is so sweet, though. His smiles are so big and he does this thing where if you are talking to him and making him smile, he turns his like away like he's shy. It's so funny.
Jacob, my little monkey, is trying to adjust to fall weather and not playing outside so much. We have enjoyed some afternoons playing in the leaves, but lately, it's just been too cold to wrap up both the boys and stay out for very long. Recently, Jacob has started calling us by our first names. It was cute and funny at first (which is why he still does it), but now we have to remind him repeatedly that we are Mommy and Daddy, not Fank and Chirsteen. I guess you have to expect that when that is what he hears us call each other!
I've been working part time the last few months on a project for the company I'd previously worked for. It allows me to have some afternoons in the office and do the remainder of the work from home. I have to say that I love my boys more than life itself, but it is a nice break to have in the middle of the week. My mom babysits them, which is wonderful and Frank helps out a lot when I have to work at home. I also think it makes me a better mom to have some time away, re-group and re-establish my patience level.
Franks has started preparing for another Coding test that he'll take next month. This will give him additional certification in his field, which is always a good thing for upward mobility. He is enjoying his job much more these days now that he has settled in to new responsibilities and discarding the old ones.
Until next time...