Well, I finally got a few minutes to sit down and blog a bit. I'm sure most of you know this by now, but Evan Lucas arrived last Tuesday, 5/27 at 3:18 p.m. He was 8lbs, 4oz, 20 inches and very healthy. The delivery went very well. It was an induction, so I was a little skeptical of how smoothly things would go, but I had little discomfort and the labor was only about 5 hours from start to finish. The last few days have been busy adjusting to life with two little boys, while getting very little sleep. Luckily, Evan is a very peaceful baby, who hardly ever cries and does a lot of sleeping. He has his days and nights a little mixed up at this point, so we're working to adjust that as well. Jacob loves his baby brother. He's always wanting to kiss him and see what he's doing. His life has prettymuch gone on as normal, and he's getting lots of extra attention from Daddy and his grandparents. I've posted some pics below. I'll blog more later when I'm not so exhausted :-)
Sooooo cute! Can't wait to meet the little guy tomorrow. :-)
My mommy friends make me so proud!! I'm so glad Jacob is taking so well to his new little brother! We can't wait to come visit. : )
he's adorable. sounds like jacob is adjusting nicely- i think he's at a good age to have a new baby brother! if you ever want me to take jacob for a while so you and baby can catch up on sleep- let me know!
Congrats congrats congrats! Both of your boys are so cute! :)
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