Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On to the next phase!

I mentioned before that Jacob can climb out of his crib now. For the past month or so, he's been doing this on a regular basis. He'll go to sleep on his own without a fight, but when he wakes up in the morning and from his naps, he gets himself down and comes downstairs. At first it was funny to be lying in our bed in the morning, open my eyes in the morning and see a cute little face staring at me, but since he has become so independent in this way, he has decided to wake up much earlier. We let this go on for a few weeks, then got tired of the 6am appearances in our bedroom, and we put up a baby gate in his room, so even if he wakes up, he'll just have to play by himself until we say it's ok to come out. Since Jacob's room is so large, we have our spare bed in there for when guests come to visit; however, Jacob loves to lie in that bed any chance he gets. The last few mornings, when I've gone to get him up, he's laying in that big bed all by himself. So I think we might skip the toddler bed and get a rail for the big bed, so he can be a big boy all the time.

My little Evan is becoming much more mobile as well. Evan has been a tummy sleeper since the beginning. That is his preferred method for sleeping, so despite the Pediatrician's advice, I'm going to go with what works for us! Now, we have come to a new challenge. Evan can roll over from tummy to back. He seems to do this while he's sleeping, then wakes up on his back, and starts crying. This means that lately, we have been going into his room several times in the middle of the night to turn him back over. Just when I thought those days were over! I'm working with him to roll back to front, and he's almost got it, so hopefully in a couple of weeks, this won't be an issue anymore.

Between these two developments, we're not getting much rest these days. It's always something with these boys!

1 comment:

scaryhall said...

The big bed sounds awesome! And it's already in there! We need to hang out soon! Are you guys coming to Jackson's party sunday?